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Surf -

Lohi’s left hand with World Surfaris

This season we partnered with World Surfaris and ventured back to one of our favourite surf destinations in the world – Hudhuranfushi. Located in the Male Atolls in the Maldives, this island and its nearby neighbours are quite literally heaven on earth. There is a perfect left hand break right out the front called Lohi’s, as well as a beautiful long board wave closey by – misleadingly named Ninjas. Alessa, Josie and Marina travelled with us to capture our Summer product in this dream location, where days were spent surfing, swimming in the stunning Indian Ocean and hanging out on the most picturesque idyllic beaches you can imagine. A Bikini Kinda Life could not be more perfectly captured in a place like the Maldives. Read on for some words from the girls themselves on their wonderful experience.

Alessa Quizon

The Maldives was a great way to start the year before comp season started. I got to spend a week with Josie, Marina and the rest of the Billabong Australia crew right in front of the best left hander (in my opinion) Lohis. The waves were on fire with pretty much no one out! The girls and I would spend hours just trading off waves with each other. The staff and surf guides at Lohis took such good care of us and helped us in every way that they could. The food at the buffets was insane, especially after a long session of surf. Can’t wait to go back there and hopefully spend more than a week haha.

Marina Alonso

Hudhuranfushi was a dream come true, I get emotional just at the thought of it! 

I was in this constant pinch me state. It’s no secret that Lohis is the ultimate goofy surfer’s paradise but Ninjas, the right hand break right across, it is my very own heaven on earth, and the fact I got to surf it with Jos and Alessa, all to ourselves, is something I’ll cherish forever. The girls pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and paddle out to Lohis and god I’ve never felt so alive. 

We got to wake up right in front of the surf every morning and had this insane breakfast - I could kill for some mas huni right now! Surf all day, eat, surf again, grab a cocktail, watch the locals feed the reef sharks at night and repeat all over again! In the unlikely event that you need a break from surfing, walk across the island to get to the blue hole and swim, dive, float, soak it all in!

Loved meeting the crew of world Surfaris, got to chat to them so much about their culture, families, the history of their islands... it’s like this big family over there! I can’t wait to go back! 



Josie Prendergast

Maldives is amazing. I love everything about that place. The food, culture, people, waves!!! This trip round would have been my third or fourth trip and honestly, it just keeps getting better. The people are so welcoming. Coming back, it was so good to be able to be with Alessa and Marina. We are all very similar people and work really well together so it was just so much fun. And the waves were epic during the week, as we had swell for Alessa on her short board and baby peelers for Marina and I on our logs. 



When i first visited the Maldives, I tried one of their local dishes called 'Massuni' ( which is made of tuna, grated coconut, onion, chilli and lime- most commonly served for breakfast with rotti bread), this dish has to be top 5 favourite dishes I have ever tried and I was so happy that the people at Hudhuran Fushi never forgot how much I loved it, and would always serve it to us - sometimes extra!



All in all, that trip had to be one of my favourites so far! I was in amazing company and a place I was familiar with. I got to see some of my favourite Maldivian local surfers and meet new people. one for the books!



If you want to win a trip to the Maldives click here.


Or to book a surf trip with World Surfaris click here.