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Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub


As the winter months set in, the cold weather, cold surf, snow, winds, and indoor heating all start to take its toll on our skin. Leaving it feeling dry and lacklustre. It can be really easy and cheap to make your own home made body scrub just using ingredients from your pantry. 



Body scrubs benefit the body by removing old skin cells that need to be exfoliated away, allowing the new more youthful looking skin to take the lead. So if the weather is looking a little cold and stormy, consider this your invitation to spend the night in and pamper yourself.




Vanilla Sugar Body Scrub



1 cup raw sugar

½ cup coconut oil, melted and cooled to room temp

½ tsp natural vanilla extract



  1. Measure out your ingredients in separate bowls.
  2. Combine the coconut oil, (it needs to be liquid but room temp or it will melt the sugar) and vanilla extract.
  3. Add the sugar, stirring until combined.
  4. Take a small handful and in a circular motion starting at your feet scrub gently at your skin. You do not need to be strong handed with the scrub, it is a course texture and skin is very soft.
  5. Once you’ve applied the mix to your body, wipe off with a warm cloth or soak in the bath.




  • Any sugar can be used. Raw sugar works for the body, but should not be used on the face. You will need to use a smaller grain sugar, such as caster sugar for your face.
  • Reduce or increase the recipe depending on how much you want to make. 
  • Best to only make as you need, the coconut oil will go hard again in cool weather, so not the best for storing long term.